Ode to Givers.

4 min readAug 13, 2019
Photo by Anunay Mahajan on Unsplash

You will relate to this story if:

  • You either love, or you don’t — but when you do, you love endlessly.
  • For the person you love, you could do anything to make them happy.
  • You can forgive 90% of the beloved one’s mistakes, because your love conquers all.
  • When your partner’s birthday come up, you plan that day to become your own personal “Disneyland” with gifts reminding your partner of the most detailed moments you had together. You want to make this day the happiest birthday they have ever had.
  • You worry that you did something if you are ignored after making a nice gesture, like writing a letter.
  • You see compromise as a growth opportunity to learn from the person you love while still being yourselves.

I am one of these people and I feel like I need to talk about these things because people like us dare not say what we feel — not to lose the person we love.

I have been made to feel “too clingy”, “overly attached”, “obsessed” etc. By mistaking love with “dependency” — you could lose me. The amount of effort I make to understand you, deserves the effort from you to at least see that I DON’T live to make you happy but I care about you.

I live to make myself happy and the people around me — 50/50, not 100% on your side.

My love is not unconditional. Maybe your parents’ is but mine is indeed conditional.

I will not be here forever for you. Especially if you don’t appreciate my small and big efforts to create memorable experiences with you. I am not organizing nice walks in the park for my own entertainment and for the sake of it. I want to feel appreciated because I am a normal human being with feelings and this is how any living creature would react.

Just because the amount of love I show is bigger than the average love you have ever received in your life doesn’t mean you have been ‘blessed’ forever with this never-ending source of love.

Thank me. Love me. Show me that you would fight for me. Show me I am important to you.

Taking me for granted, will drive me away. Like anyone else.

My happiness doesn’t depend on you.

I don’t depend on you at all in the first place. I have my own income, my own family, my own friends, my own health.

Just as much love I show you, that is how much love I show to my best friends & family. Don’t think that you are so unique that God sent me to this planet to “serve you” — I am not.

I do understand that my love may suggest “lack of independence” — but the thing is, I don’t brag about how independent I am, because for me the connections I create make me happier and are the key elements of my life. Showing my emotions doesn’t imply that “my happiness depends on you”.

Yes, I will be sad if I lose you, but I will not die and I won’t lose an arm.

Appreciate me while you have me. Maybe in 2 months I will not be here.

I do make a massive effort and I don’t do it because I have to, but because I actually want it like fuck!

Appreciate the small things I do and even the big ones (ok, I won’t buy you an iPhone for sure, but I would give you a funny-shaped rock I found on a beach during my travels). You cannot imagine how much heart I put into these things to create a connection between us.

Learn how to life fully.

You should also take an opportunity to learn from me, because I know how to live life to the fullest and feel each emotion I experience to the greatest depth. Please don’t look at me like an “emotional weirdo” who “overreacts” — yes, I may do, but everybody does. And this is normal.

Learn from me how to feel the moist perfume of a forest where I am hiking, learn from me how to hug in such a way that I feel your heartbeat and it merges with mine, learn from me how to get excited from a ladybug, learn from me how to make life more meaningful.

Live a little.

Let your feelings flow.


even after all these words

I do love you,

but I want to be appreciated.




Reflections, psychology, art, UX, UI Design & everything in between. 🌿 www.hazza.design